Jaromil...even Bookchin acknowledges that most of Marx is irrelevant today,
except as an example of failure.
For the secrets and lies, my PGP key:
On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 4:53 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
> On 12 September 2015 21:00:42 CEST, Cody R Wilson <codywilson@???>
> wrote:
> >Yeah full take security state in Albion until I'm an old man.
> >
> >Corbyn is an un-reconstructed, Old World Marxist. Of course the
> >enfeebled
> >English youth support him.
> Corbyn is not a vetero-marxist at all. The fact that Marx produced the
> only viable
> political-economy framework for analisys in the past 200 years does not
> makes
> it easy to separate ideologists from political scientists, indeed. Just
> take Marx as
> a champion for the sort of materialist rationalism he comes from, for a
> moment.
> His analisys is damn right and today it applies to left and right political
> movements without distinction, because it has to do with people's life
> much more
> than what the elite (arguably, most often the left, hard incongruence)
> pretends it to be.
> Said that, Corbyn is first of all an activist and we haven't seen those
> since a long
> time around politics. As of political definitions, I recognize in him an
> anarcho-socialist,
> which personally I consider the step into adulthood for any anarchist
> around, just like
> an "ontogenesis resuming the philogenesis": every child grows into an
> adult person by
> progressing out of individualism into the pains and joys of perceiving
> others
> (gosh this could be a sense8 line...)
> ciao
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