:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encrypt…
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Author: psy
Date: 2015-09-04 23:33 -000
To: cjd
CC: System undo crew
Subject: Re: [unSYSTEM] Charged over encryption software

On 04/09/15 15:00, Caleb James DeLisle wrote:
> I talk to as many people as I can to try to understand what is best,
> most people are so sure of themselves but they can't all be right.

I think that nothing is sure on this reality.

"To be sure of yourself" is just an illusion. Is a strange trick for the
mind to evade to think on a fear mode all the time. Fear can be produced
by ignorance, but also by knowledge. For that to try to understand what
is best or worst and create your own way is a question that only you can
reply to yourself. No one will give you that key.

> Maybe we cannot evolve existing systems, maybe it will only change when
> Europe and the US disintegrate entirely but for the millions of lives
> that would be lost in a all out collapse, shouldn't we at least try ?

Systems evolve. Nature evolve. Humans evolve... All is movement.

Play this video to try to change your scope for a moment to have a more
distance point of view:


Now think on civilizations, economic systems, laboral systems, housing
systems, etc... You see. Now, think on us.

> I have a lot of respect for you but I don't feel brainwashed, I feel
> overwhelmed with the million causes pulling in different directions

I don't see so many different directions. I think they can be explained
on a more level of abstraction, being relevant how they are executed on
history of humanity.

For example, human/nature behaviour**
<https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=behaviour> plus "logical thinking" is
creating really nice methods for communicate/logistics.

On one hand, the "reptilian" brain is focusing all human energy on a
concret massive way: "sex, food and entertainment**
<https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=entertainment>". But this is nothing new
for a society. For example, some religions resume it with moral
concepts: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, prode, acedia and
vainglory. This is not considered a "bad" way for all humans.

But in the other hand there are different concepts like solidarity,
empathy, love, h/activism, etc... that are creating relevent advances
for humanity. This is not considered a "good" way for all humans.

Where are you on that balance,... Neo? ;-)

What I want to say is that we are only watching a little piece of
reality like a photogram of a more big film. And with that conscience of
reality is not possible to realize if things are or not connected
themselfs. So, maybe a million causes are pulling on the same direction
but they don't know it yet.

> and comments about spreading fud and being brainwashed just lead me
> toward a cynical conclusion that everything is corrupt...

All of we are brainwashed. Can someone here tell me that not?...

I think that Jaromil wanted to warn you about one thing that he
discovered by himself before than you. Just this.

Corruption begins on mind. And fud is weapon to control other minds.
Don't fall on it.

> "take care of yourself and let the chips fall as they may"

Is important to "take care of yourself". If you are not ok, you cannot
help to others.

I think that the problem is to establish a balance to act and react and
don't pass all time "taking care of yourself" falling on

> I don't want to be that, for better or worse I'd rather keep picking
> away, asking stupid questions and trying the best I can to isolate
> some verifyably better process for organizing society.

If you think that your questions are stupid, please don't ask more. :-)

Hehe. I mean, knowledge is the art to ask the correct question, not to
reply the best.

> I know I'll spend most of my time being wrong but I'm an engineer,
> I'm used to it.

Engineer is a poor description for a human... Love yourself and keep
following the white r4bbit!


> On 04/09/15 10:45, Jaromil wrote:
>> On Wed, 02 Sep 2015, Caleb James DeLisle wrote:
>>> It would appear that I don't actually know much what I'm talking about.
>>> I was just informed that the PKK is not really part of the Anarchist
>>> revolution in Rojava - they're more like stalinists.
>> you are being brainwashed!!! including the give-money-to-Lessig thing
>> who gives a fr*lling f*ck about the political show-biz of big-buckos!!
>> lets change what we can really change, lets look into the unknown and
>> the incredible and the untold, lets look beyond the curtain of deception
>> of western xenophobe propaganda. all sorts of "political urgency" in the
>> small world we are confined is nothing if compared to what really
>> happens outside - and if you even believe to false stories about it...
>> there will never be a way out of the matrix.
>> in solidarity
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