:: Re: [Libbitcoin] access to libbitco…
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Author: Eric Voskuil
Date: 2015-03-25 18:41 -000
To: Noel Maersk, libbitcoin
New-Topics: [Libbitcoin] Build dependencies / documentation
Subject: Re: [Libbitcoin] access to libbitcoin website for updates
All of the dependencies can be isolated to a prefix directory, including
boost. The installer of any repo takes care of this with two options:

$ ./install.sh --build-boost --prefix=<path>

This also minimizes the boost build to only the required components.

The minimum boost requirement is 1.50 presently, because of a
boost-locale bug in 1.49.

GCC 4.7 should still work, although the Travis builds test on 4.8. SX
and Obelisk never had CI builds, so it's not really a different
situation there.

We could downgrade the Travis configuration and make 4.7 support
official, but I haven't had a compelling reason to do this. I haven't
tried clang < 3.4, but might be able to do the same there.


On 03/25/2015 06:27 AM, Noel Maersk wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 01:23:18PM -0700, Eric Voskuil wrote:
>> Noel,
>> What's the issue with Debian?
> Debian stable has GCC 4.7 and llvm/clang 3.0, so the distribution has to be
> upgraded to unstable or testing, or the compilers built from source. It
> also has Boost 1.49, which AFAIR might become too old soon.
> That's not so big of a deal by itself if the software's to be used on a
> dedicated machine (including virtual), but it might be if it's to run on
> something with a lot already installed. (I've had dependency trees go
> horribly mangled during sysupgrades.)
> OTOH, that's still not too big of a deal, 'cause Debian stable's
> kind of supposed to be that - stable.
> P.S. Last time I've checked, newer packages weren't available through
> backports either.
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