:: Re: [DNG] A special Valentine's Day…
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Author: al3xu5
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] A special Valentine's Day for Devuan!
Thu, 13 Feb 2025 15:12:49 -0600 - golinux via Dng <dng@???>:

> Greetings fellow Devuaneers!
> Today marks 10 years since the first Devuan installation isos were
> released. Jaromil posted the "pre alpha valentine (secret love
> declaration)" announcement to the DNG mailing list:
> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20150214.203545.7ba2d477.en.html
> So take a trip down memory lane and feel the love for the Devuan team
> and our users and celebrate their dogged determination which has beaten
> the odds!

As a user since Devuan Jessie, let me make a great thank to the you VUA and
all the Devuan Team. In the past and still today Devuan has enormous

Please, please, never stop!

> May the fork be with you!

And that it can always be!


The only way humans have learned to survive brings them to extinction.
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