:: Re: [DNG] type
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Author: Alessandro Vesely
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] type
On Thu 13/Feb/2025 18:04:52 +0100 karl wrote:
> Hendrik:
> ...
>> What is the type command?
> ...
> Type is a shell builtin.
> $ man dash | fgrep -A5 'type ['
>       type [name ...]
>              Interpret each name as a command and print the resolution of the
>              command search.  Possible resolutions are: shell keyword, alias,
>              shell builtin, command, tracked alias and not found.  For aliases
>              the alias expansion is printed; for commands and tracked aliases
>              the complete pathname of the command is printed.

A similar builtin is command -V:

$ man dash | sed -rn '/command \[/,+8p' | sed 5,7d
      command [-p] [-v] [-V] command [arg ...]
             Execute the specified command but ignore shell functions when searching for it.  (This
             is useful when you have a shell function with the same name as a builtin command.)

             -V     Do not execute the command but search for the command and print the resolution of
                    the command search.  This is the same as the type builtin.

So you have:
$ type command
command is a shell builtin
$ command -V type
type is a shell builtin
$ command type type
type is a shell builtin
