Auteur: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult Datum: 2017-04-12 17:37 -000 Aan: dng Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Fwd: init system agnosticism [WAS: how to remove
libsystemd0 from a live-running debian desktop system]
On 12.04.2017 17:58, Steve Litt wrote:
> I have no knowledge of the origin of this thread, probably having to do
> with my .procmailrc /dev/nulling certain people. But I have a very
> clear message about this thread's subject: There's no place in Devuan
> for init system agnosticism if such agnosticism includes a tolerance
> for systemd.
Certainly, I'd be the last one suggesting systemd on Devuan.
I won't let that thing anywhere near my systems. (one of the reasons
why I'll abandon proxmox in favour of alternatives like docker)
Unfortunately, several of my clients use it (even for embedded systems),
so I'll have to cope w/ that :(
My goal w/ that thread is to get yet another excuse for using systemd
out of the way and solve the problem (from application pov) in a clean
and systemd-free way.
It seems there's some demand for some generalized service status
reporting (eg. think of tools like sendmail, which block inbound
traffic on too high system load, etc). Monitoring systems certainly
benefit from such information.
>From an application developer pov, you wouldn't like to reinvent things over and over again, but instead like to have some library that does it.
IMHO, most of the upstreams adopting systemd aren't necessarily systemd
fetishists, but just find something (subjectively) useful there and so
use it - w/o caring about the consequences for others.
> Systemd actively sabotages the ability to replace it, whereas no
> other inits do that (that I know of).
Yeah, they can do it by looking adding more and more features that might
be useful in some cases, add *something* quick+dirty, and 'as fast as
possible, so people step in the trap.
If we wanna solve that problem w/o having to clean up the mess they
created over and over again, we need clean alternatives.