:: Re: [DNG] Brief OpenRC/Jessie Discu…
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Autor: Joel Roth
To: dng
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Brief OpenRC/Jessie Discussion on the linux-elitists lists
Adam Borowski wrote:
> ...the word "pirate",
> originally a bandit and murderer (and in places like Somalia, still current!)
> yet nowadays its more widespread meaning is "culture spreading activist"[1]
> (not just copyright, also, eg, radio), a term of pride for many of us.

However, it is worth noting that among historical pirates,
governance may have been more egalitarian than, for example,
on ships of the East India Company.

> [1]. The MAFIAA[2] defines that differently.
> [2]. And here, we're close to the original meaning.

Joel Roth