:: Re: [DNG] systemd is haunting me
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Autor: Mitt Green
Data: 2016-01-31 04:47 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] systemd is haunting me
‎Haines Brown wrote:

>systemd-udevd seems to have switched my wireless interface
>f‎rom wlan0 to wlp3s0.

I highly recommend to use udev from Wheezy/Jessie on Unstable
and pin the package ("apt hold udev"). Vdev one day will be our
default device manager anyway.

The correct way to prevent a package from being installed in


Package: [package name] 
Pin: release a=* [or o=*]
Pin-Priority: -1


>Systemd is not on the system, so where did systemd-logind come from?

systemd-logind is provided by systemd package.
