:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the U…
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Autor: Robert Williamson
Fecha: 2014-05-27 08:33 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in darkwallet promo video)
> they clearly are racist

How clearly? they have a diverse set of candidates and none of their
policies would be considered racist. The only reason they're called so is
because Cameron has consistently accused them of being so.

There's a lot of reasons to be anti-EU, they're completely undemocratic and
are for the most part responsible for a lot of the suffering caused by
pushing through some of the Greece/Spain/Ireland bailouts.

It's a general fact that most people voting at all in an election are
grannies who want to set the world the way they want it. I never said it
was an uprising of anarchy, but moving away from the EU and giving people
better personal freedoms is better than having a dictator superstate across

On 27 May 2014 07:53, jamileh s.t. <xiaziyna@???> wrote:

> this is the biggest load of bullshit ever, they clearly are racist. and
> this anti eu bullshit? the eu was a step away from nation states and to
> viewing humanity as a whole. you are full of shit if you convince yourself
> UKIP are good people... this is nothing to do with an uprising of anarchy,
> you and i both know that the people that vote for UKIP are racist grannies
> who want a hard line on peoples freedom. the silent anarchist is a joke.
> On 26 May 2014 23:04, Robert Williamson <bobalot@???> wrote:
>> Takin part in the legitimation ritual of the establishmen is anti
>>> establishment?
>> No it's still for the establishment, but the leader of this party is
>> almost universally hated by every major party in the UK and most of the EU
>> commission and EU council. Depending on what manifesto they go with for the
>> general election next year, the UK could end up with some form of direct
>> democracy which would be a major blow to the establishment of the UK & EU.
>> So it is electing an anti-establishment party into the establishment so
>> that they can disassembles the establishment. Perhaps not as good as having
>> an instant overnight political anarchy, but it's better than the
>> conservatives winning.
>> On 26 May 2014 22:55, Joerg Platzer <joerg@???> wrote:
>>> Takin part in the legitimation ritual of the establishmen is anti
>>> establishment?
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *Von:* unSYSTEM [unsystem-bounces@???]" im Auftrag von
>>> "Jonathan James Harrison [jonathanjamesharrison@???]
>>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 26. Mai 2014 04:28
>>> *An:* System undo crew
>>> *Betreff:* [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in
>>> darkwallet promo video)
>>> UKIP gets the more votes than any other party (UK) for the european
>>> elections.
>>> It's the most anti establishment libertarian vote out there.
>>> Yay!
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