:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the U…
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Autor: jamileh s.t.
Fecha: 2014-05-27 03:44 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in darkwallet promo video)
this is the biggest load of bullshit ever, they clearly are racist. and
this anti eu bullshit? the eu was a step away from nation states and to
viewing humanity as a whole. you are full of shit if you convince yourself
UKIP are good people... this is nothing to do with an uprising of anarchy,
you and i both know that the people that vote for UKIP are racist grannies
who want a hard line on peoples freedom. the silent anarchist is a joke.

On 26 May 2014 23:04, Robert Williamson <bobalot@???> wrote:

> Takin part in the legitimation ritual of the establishmen is anti
>> establishment?
> No it's still for the establishment, but the leader of this party is
> almost universally hated by every major party in the UK and most of the EU
> commission and EU council. Depending on what manifesto they go with for the
> general election next year, the UK could end up with some form of direct
> democracy which would be a major blow to the establishment of the UK & EU.
> So it is electing an anti-establishment party into the establishment so
> that they can disassembles the establishment. Perhaps not as good as having
> an instant overnight political anarchy, but it's better than the
> conservatives winning.
> On 26 May 2014 22:55, Joerg Platzer <joerg@???> wrote:
>> Takin part in the legitimation ritual of the establishmen is anti
>> establishment?
>> ------------------------------
>> *Von:* unSYSTEM [unsystem-bounces@???]" im Auftrag von
>> "Jonathan James Harrison [jonathanjamesharrison@???]
>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 26. Mai 2014 04:28
>> *An:* System undo crew
>> *Betreff:* [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in
>> darkwallet promo video)
>> UKIP gets the more votes than any other party (UK) for the european
>> elections.
>> It's the most anti establishment libertarian vote out there.
>> Yay!
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