:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the U…
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Autor: Drak
Fecha: 2014-05-27 15:32 -000
A: System undo crew
Asunto: Re: [unSYSTEM] Yay! UKIP Wins the UK european elections (were in darkwallet promo video)
On 27 May 2014 07:53, jamileh s.t. <xiaziyna@???> wrote:

> this is the biggest load of bullshit ever, they clearly are racist. and
> this anti eu bullshit? the eu was a step away from nation states and to
> viewing humanity as a whole. you are full of shit if you convince yourself
> UKIP are good people... this is nothing to do with an uprising of anarchy,
> you and i both know that the people that vote for UKIP are racist grannies
> who want a hard line on peoples freedom. the silent anarchist is a joke.

Careful there. Freedom and democracy only work when the people you want are
the winners. If this were Iran, Ukraine etc we could decry it as an unfair
election and refuse to recognise it. When it happens in the UK that's not
possible so the incumbents resort to ad hominem attacks. You go further to
label UKIP voters as racists but that only works when you are talking about
a small minority. UKIP got the most votes of any party this time. Clearly,
ad hominem bs (instigated by David Cameron, who by the way, *is* as racist
who supported, and *campaigned for*, the execution of Nelson Mandela). UKIP
obviously stand for something the electorate wants, so if the ruling
classes were smart, they would adapt their policies - but they wont,
because their agenda is not for our needs, only for their own.

FWIW I do not support any political parties.
