:: Re: [Bricolabs] request for an atte…
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Szerző: Vincenzo Tozzi
Dátum: 2012-08-10 16:42 -000
Címzett: Bricolabs, Tel Amiel, Claudia M. Wanderley
Tárgy: Re: [Bricolabs] request for an attempt to map and archive Sufi Pakistan,
Alo Ian!

Il 04/08/2012 16:38, Ian ha scritto:
> Hi
>> This sounds very interesting. I have experience working with Omeka
>> http://omeka.org/, for this kind of projects. I think Omeka works well, is
>> open source, free and very robust platform to design collections,
>> exhibitions and archives. I can offer my help for this project.

We're trying to develop an architecture to synchronize contents between
local servers installed in communities[1] with little bandwidth. The
basic idea is that somebody publish a content in the local server and
according to some tag the content continues local or spread to other
communities' server. Moreover we're working with another tag/extension
that is "patrimony"; when a content is tagged as a "patrimony" it goes
to other communities server and to a online server with some software
like Omeka or Greenstone to become recognized by IPHAN[2] and UNESCO.

We[3] presented a project[4] and we passed the first step.. waiting for
approval. Beside the project we're working on this and looking for some
dev help. There is a prototype[5] based on a LDAP+DJANGO+GIT-ANNEX

> Omeka is now installed on http://archive.bricolabs.net/ and we will be
> transitioning the main bricolabs plone site there soon. It is
> currently running the default Omeka theme - Thanks, Roy
> (http://thanksroy.org)
> Looking for inspiration now for the main bricolabs site
> Ideas?

Nice.. We're interested in experimenting omeka.. How can we collaborate?


[1] http://mapa.mocambos.net (user and pass: livre)
[2] http://portal.iphan.gov.br
[3] http://www.mocambos.net/
[4] http://wiki.mocambos.net/wiki/PROPOSTA_IPHAN_2012_001
[5] http://www.mocambos.org/textos/Mono_RFEC_RedeMocambos_VT.pdf/view