:: Re: [Bricolabs] storing electricity…
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Szerző: jhopkins
Dátum: 2012-08-10 16:44 -000
Címzett: Bricolabs
Tárgy: Re: [Bricolabs] storing electricity in air compressors???
On 8/10/12 10:15, pata de Perro wrote:
> Thanks Jhon, very usefull ....I think you are correct - a part of learning
> to live in a more sutainable world is having the capacity to say...hey
> there is no sun = there is no more internet , no more electricity, no more
> blender...lets do something else like gardening or drawing or
> sleeping....basically give up the on demand mentality. Another option is to
> have a bicicle which can generate electricity and if you REALLY need to
> make that call or that juice, well pedal a little...so solar panel +
> bicicle with generator + relaxed attitude...Vanessa

I believe simpler more localized 'technology' which can include things
like one's own internal bio-rhythm system provide us with a better
solution. As soon as we rely on the plethora of techno-fetish objects
that are out there (machines!) we become dependent. It's just a choice
each of us has to make -- the dependency versus the possibilities...

I think it is important to explore the potentials of 'available
technologies' (and this is a very relative term!), but at the same time,
not losing sight of the wider-scaled dependencies that they impose and
the imprint they have across the globe.

It is possible to get quite pessimistic about our imprints (typing here
on my MacBook Pro!), but I am beginning more to think that the system
(planetary, cosmological) is self-adjusting, and that regardless of what
we silly humans do -- as another manifestation of life on the planet --
we are not above the flows of change that are sure to re-adjust all the
adjustments we (as a species) have made in the last 1 million years or
so... (whups, is this 'Gaia-faith'??)

written from here: http://tech-no-mad.net/blog/archives/56569
