:: Re: [DNG] hijacking resolv.conf - p…
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著者: Xenguy.fl9z
To: Didier Kryn
CC: dng
題目: Re: [DNG] hijacking resolv.conf - possible fix?
From: kryn@??? ; Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2025 5:04:00 AM:
> > [...]
> > You can also simply make it immutable (chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf).
> >
>     Don't want to dig too much into this issue which goes a little
> over my head, but, if you're roaming (eg with a laptop), better not
> make resolv.conf immutable.

This is incorrect as this is exactly my setup and it works fine. For
clarity, I am running 'unbound' (a DNS server) too.

> An other issue with constantly rewriting it is frequent disk writes.
> This can be mitigated by the installation of package resolvconf,
> which changes /etc/resolv.conf to a symbolic link pointing to a file
> in /run (mounted as tmpfs).

If I recall correctly it was this package 'resolvconf' that started
rewriting my /etc/resolv.conf all those years ago, and led me to
uninstall it and set immutable on the file : -)
> [...]
> --     Didier
