:: Re: [DNG] SOLVED: Devuan-specific b…
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Autor: Dan Purgert
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] SOLVED: Devuan-specific bug with "mc" (Midnight Commander)
On Feb 11, 2025, Walter Dnes wrote:
> Problem: When the selection bar is over a specific file (e.g. a pdf),
> and I press {ENTER} nothing happens; the appropriate viewer does not
> display/render the file. If I set "mc" to pause after each command, I
> see an error message like...
> /tmp/mc-waltdnes/mcext2SGP12: 13: /usr/libexec/mc/ext.d/doc.sh: not found
> Solution: After some spelunking, I discovered that there is no
> "/usr/libexec/mc/" directory ...BUT... there is directory "/usr/lib/mc".
> So I went into the "mc"...
> [...]
> This problem did not happen on my Gentoo machine, so I assume it's
> Devuan-specific. Who would I file a bug report with?

I don't really use mc, but it sounds almost like you pulled a config
file / dotfile from a Gentoo install across to Devuan; and seems that
the two distros put things in slightly different places.

So, it doesn't sound like a "bug" per se.

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