Am Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 07:14:39PM -0600 schrieb Jeffrey Cliff:
> Downloaded source to 2.9.2 via git clone of
> https://salsa.debian.org/apt-team/python-apt
> debuilded it using debuild -us -uc -b
> installed using dpkg -i resulting deb file
> and this issue no longer presents itself
Thank you for the feedback!
@Mark: So I assume there is no hurry to re-package the next apt version.
(I'll probaly do this today anyways) Currently I would like to stick
with tracking the Debian testing branch when re-packaging for our unstable
branch since I already had some experience with diverging versions on
Debian unstable & testing during feature freeze.
And Btw, thanks to Mark & B Stack sorting this out.
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