:: Re: [DNG] eventually: we all get ol…
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Autor: sawbona
Datum: 2024-04-08 18:52 -000
To: Hendrik Boom
Betreff: Re: [DNG] eventually: we all get old

On 8 Apr 2024 at 13:51, Hendrik Boom wrote:

> Most HTML-only messages ae not worth ...
> ... sometimes I need to see the content ...

I have used Pegasus Mail for almost 30 years now.

One of the web's oldest/best email clients, being able to use it
under Wine was the deal breaker that allowed me to move to Linux.

I have always had an absolute dislike for HTML only email.
In my view, it has become the scourge of the internet.

Unfortunately, it has also become the de-facto email system for
banks, public service companies, civil asociations, etc.

Every time I need to view an email with a link for paying something,
resetting a PW or anything such I have to open it through my email
provider's web page in one of the browsers I have installed.

A real nuisance.
