:: Re: [DNG] I it systems
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Autor: dng@d404.nl
Fecha: 2023-12-18 23:11 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] I it systems
On 18-12-2023 20:26, Didier Kryn wrote:
> Le 18/12/2023 à 18:23, Curtis Maurand a écrit :
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 18, 2023, at 4:24 AM, Martin Steigerwald
>>> <martin@???> wrote:
>>> onefang - 18.12.23, 10:01:28 CET:
>>>>>> TECO can be used as a programming language, I have been paid to do
>>>>>> so in the past.
>>>>> Some of you have been paid for very crazy things.
>>>>> Well done!
>>>>> At least I have been paid for Amiga work. Crazy enough as well. But I
>>>>> am
>>>> I have also been paid to program Amiga's.
>>> Is there something you haven't been paid for? :)
>>> --
>>> Martin
>> I once did some programming in REXX
>     I did also program in REXX. It was an IBM scripting language with
> a TCL-like integration capability to other applications but higher
> level than TCL. It seems its only biotope has been the VM/CMS OS.
> Amazingly IBM was not prosecuted for the name of the language by
> EXXON, which is known to have prosecuted other companies on the basis
> that they consider themselves the owners of the double X.
> --     Didier

IIRC OS/2 did have REXX too.

