:: [devuan-dev] Processed: severity of…
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Author: Devuan bug Tracking System
Date: 2023-08-18 01:14 -000
To: Boian Bonev
CC: devuan-dev, devuan-dev
Subject: [devuan-dev] Processed: severity of 770 is grave, severity of 771 is grave, reassign 770 to eudev, reassign 771 to eudev ...
Processing commands for control@???:

> severity 770 grave

Bug #770 [libgudev-1.0-0] libgudev-1.0-0: Miscompilation makes the mouse impossible to move under Xorg
Warning: Unknown package 'libgudev-1.0-0'
Severity set to 'grave' from 'normal'
Warning: Unknown package 'libgudev-1.0-0'
> severity 771 grave

Bug #771 [libgudev-1.0-0] libgudev-238 incompatible with eudev
Warning: Unknown package 'libgudev-1.0-0'
Ignoring request to change severity of bug 771 to the same value.
Warning: Unknown package 'libgudev-1.0-0'
> reassign 770 eudev 3.2.12-1

Bug #770 [libgudev-1.0-0] libgudev-1.0-0: Miscompilation makes the mouse impossible to move under Xorg
Warning: Unknown package 'libgudev-1.0-0'
bug reassigned from package 'libgudev-1.0-0' to 'eudev'.
No longer marked as found in versions 238-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #770 to the same values previously set
Bug #770 [eudev] libgudev-1.0-0: Miscompilation makes the mouse impossible to move under Xorg
Marked as found in versions eudev/3.2.12-1.
> reassign 771 eudev 3.2.12-1

Bug #771 [libgudev-1.0-0] libgudev-238 incompatible with eudev
Warning: Unknown package 'libgudev-1.0-0'
bug reassigned from package 'libgudev-1.0-0' to 'eudev'.
No longer marked as found in versions 238-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #771 to the same values previously set
Bug #771 [eudev] libgudev-238 incompatible with eudev
Marked as found in versions eudev/3.2.12-1.
> merge 770 771

Bug #770 [eudev] libgudev-1.0-0: Miscompilation makes the mouse impossible to move under Xorg
Bug #771 [eudev] libgudev-238 incompatible with eudev
Merged 770 771
> thanks

Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
770: https://bugs.devuan.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=770
771: https://bugs.devuan.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=771
Devuan Bug Tracking System
Contact owner@??? with problems