As far as I know, debootstrap & chroot doesn't need multi-arch for
bootstrapping other archs, all in one go, and neither does chroot.
You only need qemu-user-static or a similar userspace emulator for this.
Am 2023-06-21 16:15, schrieb Ralph Ronnquist:
> If you set up your host for multi-arch, say, armhf then "apt-get
> update" will bring in the Packages files for armhf, and in fact you
> can accomplish the two stages with the single command:
> # debootstrap --arch armhf chimaera /mnt
> That command will set up a chimaera filesystem under /mnt using armhf
> software, and then it will chroot into that and perform the stage 2
> within that filesystem (using armhf emulation). You may then later use
> the same:
> # chroot /mnt /bin/bash