:: Re: [DNG] Welcome to wiki.devuan.or…
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Author: Tom
Date: 2022-10-15 11:02 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] Welcome to wiki.devuan.org!

> On 19 Sep 2022, at 08:11, golinux@??? wrote:
> On 2022-09-18 16:04, dng@??? wrote:
>> On 18-09-2022 01:35, wirelessduck--- via Dng wrote:
>>>> On 14 Sep 2022, at 11:41, golinux@??? wrote:
>>>> Greetings all!
>>>> Did that get your attention? Good . . . :D
>>>> The wiki has been languishing in the doldrums for some time in a rather unusable state but it could become a reality if some Wiki Whisperers would step up to make it happen.
>>>> If anyone here has experience with Foswiki or other wikis, this is your moment to shine!
>>>> Once it is in a usable state, we will need a team of contributors to begin populating pages with content sourced from the forum, mailing lists, IRC, personal experience etc.
>>>> Devuan users . . . the ball is squarely in your court. Will Devuan have a wiki? It's up to YOU, !
>>>> Discussion here and on dev1galaxy.org and #devuan-wiki.
>>>> Now . . . . just where are those Wiki Whisperers . . . :D
>>>> For the love of Devuan . . . just DO IT!
>>>> golinux
>>> Would it make sense to just apply for an Atlassian open source licence for Confluence Cloud? They offer free standard licences on their cloud products to the open source community.
>>> That would remove the need to install and maintain the wiki software and backups.
>>> https://www.atlassian.com/licensing/purchase-licensing#do-open-source-projects-receive-special-pricing
>>> https://www.atlassian.com/software/views/open-source-license-request
>>> https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence
>>> Tom
>> I would prefer to use Readthedocs as reference manual above any Wiki
>> like software. Relatively easy to start and to maintain based on a git
>> repo.
>> Grtz.
>> Nick
> Some of you might remember that early on we had the Friends of Devuan dokuwiki that was contributed by a Devuan user. We learned a lot from that experience which eventually just faded away due to lack of attention.
> Devuan searched long and hard to find an acceptable replacement wiki candidate with the desired functions etc. - perhaps someone can pull that wish-list out of memory - but I doubt anyone wants to start from square one again.
> OTOH . . . if someone would like to set up a test installation somewhere, we'd be happy to take a look at other options.
> Regardless, we also learned from previous experience that all submissions will need to be vetted so admins, editor(s) as well as contributors will be needed. Lots of them!
> It will be up to the Devuan community to take on this task . . . or not . . . the Devuan devs already have more than enough to deal with.
> Devuan users . . . the ball is in your court . . .
> golinux

What about creating a new repository on git.devuan.org <http://git.devuan.org/> and using the built-in Wiki functionality of Gitea for that repository? I’ve never used it myself so I’m not sure if it’s too limited in features for Devuan wiki requirements? It looks to be similar to the wiki feature provided by GitHub and gitlab so it wouldn’t have the same individual page access controls that a dedicated wiki software would have. I think it’s just a separate git repository that renders markdown files? Readthedocs would have all the same limitations as it’s also just converting some files in a single git repository into html.

I do have some experience with running the self-hosted version of Confluence but I’ve never used the cloud version, which is what we would get access to. Currently there is no support for using a custom domain on their cloud products (https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CLOUD-6999) so you would end up with something like devuan.atlassian.net/wiki/ <http://devuan.atlassian.net/wiki/> for the url. If we went down this route, it would probably require (and be preferable at the very least for me) to have someone with a devuan.org <http://devuan.org/> email address do the initial signup and application.
