Author: Didier Kryn Date: To: dng Subject: Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify
Le 13/06/2021 à 23:29, Haines Brown a écrit : > I tried hopman some years ago and loved it, But when installed on a
> new machine failed copy the code. Would anyone indulge me by pointing
> to a link to the current stete of the application?
> I've not followed the change in git repository of Devuan. In the
mean time i tried to put into the same source tree all the files
necessary for internationalization and didn't find a satisfactory way to
do it.
I have some work to do to clean up the tree from
internationalization files and correct a little bug. Then I should push
the tree to the new git repository. Then I will let you know. I have
been lazy during the two last years. Motivation is back but I'm
currently travelling.