:: Re: [DNG] Ethernet names revisited
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Skribent: Didier Kryn
Dato: 2020-12-12 15:28 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Ethernet names revisited
Le 12/12/2020 à 14:15, Antony Stone a écrit :
> Hi.
> I've just installed a couple of Beowulf systems, each of which has three
> ethernet interfaces; one on the motherboard, and two on a PCI card.
> I'm trying to work out how to give those interfaces the names I want; the
> motherboard as eth0, and the PCI card as eth1 / eth2.
> Historically, I've been used to udev and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-
> net.rules doing this, where I can specify the name I want for each interface
> according to its MAC address.
> The file didn't exist (although the directory did) on my Beowulf system, so I
> created one with the appropriate contents, and I now get messages while the
> kernel is booting:
> udevd[441]: Error changing net interface name eth2 to eth0: File exists
> udevd[441]: could not rename interface '4' from 'eth2' to 'eth0': File exists
> udevd[438]: Error changing net interface name eth1 to eth2: File exists
> udevd[438]: could not rename interface '3' from 'eth1' to 'eth2': File exists
> udevd[445]: Error changing net interface name eth0 to eth1: File exists
> udevd[445]: could not rename interface '2' from 'eth0' to 'eth1': File exists
> I've followed the entire thread on this list from July 2018 about this, which
> I've found _some_ of in the archives at
> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20180715.200323.7a2473a2.en.html however
> that link shows only a very small proportion of the emails in the discussion
> for some reason (I have my own local copy in my mail client).
> According to https://wiki.debian.org/NetworkInterfaceNames the old 70-
> persistent-net.rules system _should_ still work in Buster / Beowulf, but I
> can't work out how to get it to do so.
> I _have_ tried adding "net.ifnames=0" to the kernel boot line; this makes no
> difference.
> So:
> 1. how can I get 70-persistent-net.rules to carry on working under Beowulf?
> 2. what's the "correct" way to get my interfaces named the way I want,
> according to their MAC addresses, under Beowulf?
> (The above Debian wiki document indicates that Buster is the last release
> which will continue to support this, so I'm assuming I'll need to do something
> else for Chimaera; what is it?)
> Thanks,
> Antony.

    Udev has made a big effort to hide its action to the administrator.
The rules have first been cached in /lib/udev; then the administerable
files in /etc have been removed.

    Eudev keeps a track of the names it has already assigned to
interfaces, in /lib/udev/rules.d .

    Maybe you can find something concerning your ethernet interfaces in
one of these files and maybe your problem is just that Eudev doesn't
want to overwrite that file; therefore you might try to delete it
(rename it for safety).

    I don't grant it works; but this is one thing I would try.

--        Didier