:: Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy
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Skribent: Lars Noodén
Dato: 2019-01-31 08:32 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy
On 1/31/19 4:38 AM, Joel Roth via Dng wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 12:19:44AM +0100, Alessandro Selli wrote:
>> Might interest someone:
>> https://lwn.net/Articles/777595/
>> [Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet
>> His attempt to cast that story for the
>> pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
>> turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.
> Hard to believe I listened to the same talk Corbet
> is describing. What I heard was a propaganda piece,
> finding reasons to sell the systemd approach
> to BSD conference attendees.
> To Benno Rice, the tragedy is the pathetic opposition
> to what he construes as the inevitable forces of
> progress and rationality.

That is also my interpretation of his statements, both at LCA and
BSDCan. I'd seen the video of his LCA talk already and the gist was
that he thinks systemd is great and that everyone should work on
implementing something identical within FreeBSD. Something weird and
disturbing that it got through the selection process and made it in as a
talk. About the only attempt he made at an argument in favor of systemd
was his constant use of the logical fallacy appeal to novelty. i.e. "it
is better because it is newer" but at least he reduced the amount of
personal attacks against non-systemd people this time.


He said about the same thing at BSDcan.


I still hold out hope that the normal tracks for LCA 2019 will be better
but have not seen them yet except for the Lewis [1] talk which can be
recommended for watching.


[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p76hGxv3-HE