:: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy
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Skribent: Alessandro Selli
Dato: 2019-01-30 23:19 -000
Til: DNG
Emne: [DNG] Systemd as tragedy
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[Front] Posted Jan 28, 2019 20:05 UTC (Mon) by corbet

Tragedy, according to Wikipedia, is "a form of drama based on human
suffering that invokes an accompanying catharsis or pleasure in
audiences". Benno Rice took his inspiration from that definition for his
2019 linux.conf.au talk on the story of systemd which, he said, involves
no shortage of suffering. His attempt to cast that story for the
pleasure of his audience resulted in a sympathetic and nuanced look at a
turbulent chapter in the history of the Linux system.

Alessandro Selli <alessandroselli@???>
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