:: Re: [DNG] Unbootable system due to …
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Author: Adam Borowski
Date: 2018-03-30 14:49 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] Unbootable system due to cryptsetup depending to two libs in /usr
On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 03:22:21PM +0100, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> recently, debian patched the use of two libraries into cryptsetup,
> libargon and libpopt. Both are living under /usr.
> That leads to unbootable system when /usr is on separate partition and
> you using disk encryption (or even having /usr on a encrypted
> partition). This bug happens with or without initrd.

                               ^^^^            ^^^^^^

> Debian does not care anymore if the user system is bootable or not but
> this change got into devuan too.
> Could you please fix that by one of the following:
> - - reverting the patches that brought this library linking into
> cryptsetup if it is not needed or
> - - Move that libraries to /lib

It has been discussed many times that supporting separate /usr without an
initrd is a pointless waste of time. There's so much effort that affects
hundreds of libraries or other packages with only extremely tangential
relation to booting, and only in very specific configurations, that it's
simply not worth it. Just use an initrd.

But, as you say, the problem _does_ happen for you with initrd. This means:
1. moving the libraries to /lib wouldn't help,
2. is not related to split /usr (as you mention whole-disk encryption),
3. is in no way specific to Devuan

> I will also file a bug report. But give me some time to find out how, or
> is the reportbug tool now usable?

Thus, as you use pieces unmodified from Debian, please report the bug there.
A fix there would help far more users than just the Devuan's subtree of
Debian derivatives.

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