:: Re: [DNG] Devuan in top 50
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Autor: Jaromil
Fecha: 2017-10-16 22:58 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Devuan in top 50
On Mon, 16 Oct 2017, dev wrote:

> Just noticed Devuan is at position 48 today (Redhat is 46, Gentoo 42,
> for comparison)!
> https://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=popularity

Devuan has touched the 30th position on the wave of our Jessie release
and can get up to top20 if we manage to be timely with ASCII. It is
right now 25th on the combined ranking.

Our popularity seems quite genuine if we look at another more
qualitative metric on distrowatch which are the reviews people write:


where we are FIFTH for number of votes and the one with higher votes
among the top5 which include ubuntu, debian, mint and manjaro.

BTW just today was reviewed by distrowatch a Devuan derivative, Star,
but it did not make it with flying colors.
