Skribent: Arno Schuring Dato: 2017-10-11 17:57 -000 Til: Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] My final CTTE recommendations
Hi all,
golinux@??? (golinux@??? on 2017-10-10 20:19 -0500): > I've been thinking about our communal predicament all day and in
> light of fsmithred's recent email, think this could be a workable
> compromise:
> jaromil and parazyd (sharing one Dyne vote)
> Centurion_Dan
> KatolaZ
> rrq
> Evilham
As previously indicated I feel that I am not familiar enough with
Devuan nor the people proposed/mentioned in the various subthreads, so
I will not "vote" for any candidate or composition of the team. I do
want to say that I am happy to see Evilham listed here, because of his
efforts in collecting scattered information and presenting it in a
useful summary (not limited to just this discussion or this ML).
Other than that, I will restrict myself to commenting on the process
itself rather than its outcome.