:: Re: [devuan-dev] My final CTTE reco…
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Skribent: Jaromil
Dato: 2017-10-11 07:39 -000
Til: devuan developers internal list
Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] My final CTTE recommendations
On Tue, 10 Oct 2017, golinux@??? wrote:

> I've been thinking about our communal predicament all day and in light of
> fsmithred's recent email, think this could be a workable compromise:
> jaromil and parazyd (sharing one Dyne vote)

we cannot "share one vote" as we do not think the same on everything.

Also please note Katolaz is not a "member" of Dyne, his affiliation is
at Queen Mary's University, school of Mathematical Sciences and in no
way we are aligned on decision, if not at least agreeing on
methodologies and minimalist approaches to technology.

please just leave this "uniform" of Dyne away from this process since
we are all adults thinking with our own head and in most cases
qualified scientists, we are not running a political party of sorts
and we cannot be grouped into one vote.

> Centurion_Dan
> KatolaZ
> rrq
> Evilham
> Please share your thoughts.

I am fine with this and with fsmithred proposal, also the 4/5 vote is
an interesting observation. Also the IDEAC acronym I like it.

can you please conclude this tonight? golinux I feel like you have a
pretty good vision on this and I believe we all trust you to conclude
this consensus negotiation. The most important thing is ASAP to have 5
people instead of 2 people disagreeing most of the time. I will be
missing from the wednesday meeting due to a tight work schedule
