On 28/09/17 18:43, golinux@??? wrote:
> Devuan meet Sept 27/28 2017 @20:30 UTC
> Last week's notes:
> https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/community:devuan_dev_meet_notes_september_20_21
> Please post notes prior to the meet.
> Location: https://meet.jit.si/devuan
> Present: golinux, Centurion, rrq, fsmithred, Evilham, blinkdog,
> Chanku (late), msi (briefly), sherdlu (briefly)
> List here any unfinished business from previous meets:
> 1. releasebot alternative to scorsh (for Infrastructure analysis see
> wiki pages below)
> 2. rsyslog
> # parazyd
> * attending a show so probably won't be online during the time of
> the meet
> * urges all to discuss the new Ascii proposal:
> https://lists.dyne.org/lurker/message/20170924.110504.106070c4.en.html
> * i've nothing to add to it, so after you're done, just reply
> with your realizations
> * helping Dan with some code to separate releasebot from gitlab
> * ALSO URGENT: antofox's MATE repos. he's doing AMAZING,
> * let's also try to include this in the ascii release
> * Centurion_Dan mentioned you are working on releasebot, can I have
> a peek? ^^ A link for that would be interesting. (Evilham)
> # golinux
> * Ralph server access?
> * blinkdog is in the process of posting Devuan meet notes to the wiki
> starting with the most recent:
> https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/community_doc:devuan_dev_meet_notes
> - All pad urls for the meets have been removed and other pads are
> being converted to a wiki page:
> https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/community_doc:current_infrastructure
> https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/community_doc:build_system_improvements
> - The above pages were created in August so they may not have been
> seen by some of the devs.
> - The ASCII release proposal and the previous ASCII roadmap are
> also
> now on the wiki:
> https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/community:devuan_ascii_roadmap
> * This shared by jaromil - Devuan has been added to the periodic
> table of Linux distributions! It's DU in the middle of the top row:
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jstpcs/lnxpcs/202a58bef05d2bf6ddc1c8028032290060e6a291/non-distro/periodic-table-color.png
> # rrq
> * attending
> * find out where my ssh key is (user@server)\*
> * +1 for parazyd's ASCII plan
> # evilham - May not make it, will try
> * Devuan.www:
> * Set up polling cronjob that builds and deploys the website
> * 'master' branch --> devuan.org
> 'beta.devuan.org' branch --> beta.devuan.org
> * Documented on the server (will add to gdo/devuan-infra...)
> * Don't need access to the server anymore
> * Releasebot/scorsh/...:
> https://git.devuan.org/devuan-infrastructure/devuan-releasebot/merge\_requests/7
> * Edited my Merge Request on GitLab implementing a webhook:
> * I wouldn't put it in a different repo (as per Centurion_Dan
> proposal) That would further fragment code and this is really
> not
> big enough to be on its own.
> * Potential Scorsh / Releasebot parts are totally separated by
> using
> different classes
> * It is meant to run on the same machine as Scorsh; for releasebot
> it doesn't matter
> * When it comes to releasebot: this webhook creates a build
> issue in
> name of the user that pushes to GitLab. This triggers
> releasebot;
> releasebot is in charge of any
> permission/setup checks.
> * As I mentioned on the ML and in different places already, from my
> code review of Scorsh I understand that it needs a global git
> hook
> that writes commit info to a spool dir and this somewhat assumes
> those components are running on the same machine.
> This webhook would solve that.
> Since this only writes to scorsh's spool dir, it's just notifying
> scorsh of a new commit scorsh would still be responsible for
> checking permissions, signatures, ...
> # blinkdog
> * will attend, FSM willing
> * wiki-fied some pads; (see #golinux above)
> * Question: Is using d1h (a.k.a. "Devuan packaging made easier")
> the cutting edge?
> * https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=549
> # msi
> * FOD wiki
> * FTG has given me admin access recently.
> * See https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/wiki_todo_list for what
> is planned.
> # Chanku
> * Will attend, should the holy spud be willing.
> * Question: Will new packages be accepted into Devuan ASCII before
> release, if so what would be the procedure for this? (The sooner
> something is packaged the higher the chances of being included in
> * There should probably be a discussion about setting up some form of
> written procedure for things to make certain things potentially
> easier for newbies to help us in other aspects.
> # sherdlu
> * I tried https://meet.jit.si/devuan; got video, but no audio out.
> Probably some problem at my end. No experience sharing microphone.
> (problem solved after the meet - golinux)
> Sorry for the interruption. (no problem. connections sucked
> today - golinux)
> # fsmithred
> - amd64 no-X refracta-ascii live-iso coming soon. (it was waiting for
> me to finish cli installer for uefi)
> # Centurion Dan
* did attend despite a late night and consequent late start, but then
daylight saving helped me to still be on time :-P
* have been working with parazyd to refactor releasebot - he's brought
good ideas and delivered some very tidy code.
* have reviewed and commented on evilhams build on commit webhook for
- looks good so far. I think it needs to be in a separate repo though.
Daniel Reurich
Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Ltd.
021 797 722