:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Se…
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Szerző: golinux
Dátum: 2017-09-28 05:43 -000
Címzett: devuan-dev
Tárgy: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Sept 27/28 2017
Devuan meet Sept 27/28 2017 @20:30 UTC

Last week's notes:

Please post notes prior to the meet.

Location: https://meet.jit.si/devuan

Present: golinux, Centurion, rrq, fsmithred, Evilham, blinkdog,
         Chanku (late), msi (briefly), sherdlu (briefly)

List here any unfinished business from previous meets:
   1. releasebot alternative to scorsh (for Infrastructure analysis see
       wiki pages below)
   2. rsyslog

# parazyd
    * attending a show so probably won't be online during the time of
       the meet
    * urges all to discuss the new Ascii proposal:
       * i've nothing to add to it, so after you're done, just reply
     with your realizations
   * helping Dan with some code to separate releasebot from gitlab
   * ALSO URGENT: antofox's MATE repos. he's doing AMAZING,
       * let's also try to include this in the ascii release
   * Centurion_Dan mentioned you are working on releasebot, can I have
      a peek? ^^ A link for that would be interesting. (Evilham)

# golinux
   * Ralph server access?
   * blinkdog is in the process of posting Devuan meet notes to the wiki
     starting with the most recent:
        - All pad urls for the meets have been removed and other pads are
      being converted to a wiki page:
         - The above pages were created in August so they may not have 
       seen by some of the devs.
         - The ASCII release proposal and the previous ASCII roadmap are 
       now on the wiki:
   * This shared by jaromil - Devuan has been added to the periodic
      table of Linux distributions!  It's DU in the middle of the top 

# rrq
* attending
* find out where my ssh key is (user@server)\*
* +1 for parazyd's ASCII plan

# evilham - May not make it, will try
    * Devuan.www:
       * Set up polling cronjob that builds and deploys the website
       * 'master' branch --> devuan.org
          'beta.devuan.org' branch --> beta.devuan.org
       * Documented on the server (will add to gdo/devuan-infra...)
       * Don't need access to the server anymore

    * Releasebot/scorsh/...:
         * Edited my Merge Request on GitLab implementing a webhook:
         * I wouldn't put it in a different repo (as per Centurion_Dan
            proposal) That would further fragment code and this is really 
            big enough to be on its own.
         * Potential Scorsh / Releasebot parts are totally separated by 
           different classes
         * It is meant to run on the same machine as Scorsh; for 
            it doesn't matter
         * When it comes to releasebot: this webhook creates a build 
issue in
            name of the user that pushes to GitLab. This triggers 
            releasebot is in charge of any
           permission/setup checks.
         * As I mentioned on the ML and in different places already, from 
           code review of Scorsh I understand that it needs a global git 
           that writes commit info to a spool dir and this somewhat 
           those components are running on the same machine.
           This webhook would solve that.
           Since this only writes to scorsh's spool dir, it's just 
           scorsh of a new commit scorsh would still be responsible for
           checking permissions, signatures, ...

# blinkdog
   * will attend, FSM willing
   * wiki-fied some pads; (see #golinux above)
   * Question: Is using d1h (a.k.a. "Devuan packaging made easier")
      the cutting edge?
     * https://dev1galaxy.org/viewtopic.php?id=549

# msi
   * FOD wiki
     * FTG has given me admin access recently.
     * See https://friendsofdevuan.org/doku.php/wiki_todo_list for what
        is planned.

# Chanku
   * Will attend, should the holy spud be willing.
   * Question: Will new packages be accepted into Devuan ASCII before
      release, if so what would be the procedure for this? (The sooner
      something is packaged the higher the chances of being included in
   * There should probably be a discussion about setting up some form of
      written procedure for things to make certain things potentially
      easier for newbies to help us in other aspects.

# sherdlu
   * I tried https://meet.jit.si/devuan; got video, but no audio out.
     Probably some problem at my end.  No experience sharing microphone.
     (problem solved after the meet - golinux)
     Sorry for the interruption. (no problem. connections sucked
      today - golinux)

# fsmithred
   - amd64 no-X refracta-ascii live-iso coming soon. (it was waiting for
     me to finish cli installer for uefi)