:: Re: [DNG] fvwm
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Author: Harald Arnesen
Date: 2017-08-23 07:31 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] fvwm
Steve Litt [2017-08-22 23:59]:

> As far as #1, what the hell does "session" mean? A session is something
> that runs for awhile, and usually the implication is it's already
> running. I think the word "session" needs to be changed to "GOSFUI". If
> you'd rather not use a word directly created to handle the exact
> concept, you could substitute "window manager or desktop environment".

"Window Manager" would be the best, I think. I agree that "Session" can
be misleading. How many users would know what you mean by "GOSFUI", a
not at all intuitive and far too long abbreviation almost never used
outside of this mailing list?
Hilsen Harald