:: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Au…
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Autor: golinux
To: devuan-dev
Betreff: [devuan-dev] Notes - Devuan meet Aug 09/10 2017
Devuan meet Aug 09/10 2017 @20:30 UTC

Present: golinux, fsmithred, rrq, Evilham, Centurion, KatolaZ,
Absent: nextime, jaromil, parazyd

## golinux

   - migrate d1g hopefully soon
   - Evilham's status page upgrade will allow for automation of the
     mirror list on the website index page.  Discuss the best way to do 
   - d.o update roadblock
     - SUGGESTION (KatolaZ): let's use scorsh to deploy www.d.o -- this
       way we can test it and get using it for a non-critical task

## Evilham
   - ACTION POINT: Prepare placeholder page for the dev1galaxy migration
   - ACTION POINT: Preparing for PDO Mirrors
     - Essen? University (KatolaZ has contact)
     - Aalborg University DK --> change /devuan to /devuan-cd
     - Start contacting mirror maintainers ask if they interested in
       hosting PDO mirrors

   Busy week :).
   * FDO mirror stuff
     Mostly documented on this email:

    - Princeton has supported RSYNC for a while.
    - LMU has had a mirror for a year (was not listed anywhere)
    - In the early days, this mirror was around, it still is.
      Should it be listed?
    - The University of Waterloo had offered to host a mirror.
      They host a full debian mirror! This may be interesting to follow:
    - devuan-www/data/mirrors.yml was updated and should probably be the
           sole source of mirror information for the website (see below).
    - The mirrors.yml file is used as the source for the status table on
      http://devuan.evilham.com/ where all mirrors and their protocols
           are listed; so identifying problematic mirrors is easy.
    - Mirrors are checked every hour for availability and if they are
    - Currently two rsync mirrors are offline, both maintainers have
      been contacted, awaiting reply.

    Posterior to that email:
    - If 2 out of 3 days go by with offline mirrors, an email gets sent
      to devuan-dev, so the maintainer can be contacted.
    - Using golinux' feedback, we made an alternative mirror selection
      for users looking to download Devuan. It looks better on bigger
      screens andis much cleaner than current version on smaller ones.
      See here: http://devuan.evilham.com/
    - My checker script changes the source for the index page, commits
      and pushes to my fork of devuan-editors/devuan-www as needed.
    - One benefit of using this, is that offline or outdated mirrors are
      automatically not listed.
    - Triggering changes to the website would be now *very* useful.

   * python-apt package:
     As jaromil mentioned on the ML, debian added some templates:

     It is two somewhat straightforward files, to be found here:

    Both files should be checked by someone.
    The main issue is that I did not find the changelogs, so I left 
    (line 1 in Devuan.info.in).

    Building tag 1.4.0~beta3 directly fails due to debian having shipped
    a pkg that does not pass all tests (PEP8).
    I merged debian's current HEAD, which fixes PEP8 errors and a bug in
    With that, the package is created neatly (however the result is
    *not* 1.4.0~beta3 because of the 2 merged commits).

    For the build, manual installation of python3-feedparser was
    necessary. Should I add it to debian/control and open a Debian bug
         for this?

## fsmithred
  - live-sdk with d-i
      Working with Ozi's addition of debian-installer to live-sdk
     -- No grub-install without mirror. The debs are missing from the
         media. (grub-installer and grub-mount udebs are present.)
     -- Conflict between live-sdk, which expects a pre-configured user
         and live-installer which expects to create the user at boot.
     -- User's password is 'live' even when set to something else in
        blend config file. User's password does not change to what you
        enter in d-i.
     -- Root password does not change to what you entered during the
     -- Warning that the kernel can't do raid.
     -- Manual partition only has FAT, swap and physical volume for
        encryption as filesystem choices. (even after Dan updated d-i
     -- Guided partition, use whole disk, all files in one partition
        works properly. (yeah, it can do ext4, but I can't.)
     -- Running d-i from boot menu instead of from live session results
        in failure to mount new partition.
  - Tested Pete's slim in ascii, and it works.
         Branch: tribulate0
         But there's no language switcher.  (gl)

## drAWKula

   - Release files:  `Codename:` and `MD5Sum:` fields still need fixes in
     some of Jessie's and ASCII's (sub)distributions.
     Corrections are needed to let `debmirror` run correctly.
     I have not looked at Ceres and Experimental.

    Why does fixing this take eons?
     What message about Devuan does ignoring this so consequently
     transport between the lines?

     - please list all the needed changes, or (better) file a bug report
       on bugs.devuan.org detailing the needed fixes(KatolaZ)
     - if you already did that, please indicate the bug number (KatolaZ)
     - md5sums are OBSOLETE starting with jessie (KatolaZ)

## CenturionDan
- setup vm on ganeti for d1g
- sorted public IP setup on pkgmaster - the new base mirror for devuan

I"m taking a couple of days off for a break away, and won't be again
until Saturday.

## rrq
   - started on d1g migration (with Evilham); mostly done, except for
     cert and gitlab oauth.
   - (we could also have a new go at relaying emails via dyne)
   - not fixed the "gdolink" bot

## KatolaZ

   - half-vacation
   - setup pkgmaster.devuan.org (thanks Dan for the help with the IP)
     -- need push of pool/ from packages.devuan.org to be complete
   - setup amprolla-new (DONE)
   - extended testsuite for scorsh
   - DECIDE WHAT to do with the signing key for the new amprolla