:: [DNG] ..really OT, was: Forums: wa…
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Autor: Arnt Karlsen
Data: 2017-07-16 19:24 -000
A: Miroslav Rovis
CC: dng
Assumptes vells: Re: [DNG] Forums: was I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
Assumpte: [DNG] ..really OT, was: Forums: was I have a question about libsystemd0 in devuan ascii,
On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 15:59:35 +0000, Miroslav wrote in message

> On 170716-12:10+0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

> > ..sissy. ;o)
> > https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22Sissy+Boy+Traitor%22+OR+%22the+Nepotist+Warrior+Ace%22+OR+%22Flew+So+High+and+Far+he+Missed+Vietnam%22&ia=web
> > http://www.groklaw.net/search.php?query=Sissy+Boy+George&keyType=phrase&datestart=&dateend=&topic=0&type=all&author=0&mode=search
> > http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20130618195646575#c1049951 ;oD
> I don't see how the stop and search on pilots can be blamed straight
> on Trump.

..that was on Obama's watch. It's really the same old "9/11"-regime.

> The drone assassinations, however, can be put squarely on Obama, and
> those really escalated during his presidency. Obama really was the
> Drone President... Due to Devuan taking huge share of my time, I have
> not followed how Trump fares in the use of drones, nor if the
> President's approval is still needed for drone assassinations.
> Lots of things to object to Trump, but would Hillary really have been
> the better choice?

..nope, but Bernie would have been a very good POTUS.

> For us Croats, I have to say it was a good thing, that our President
> Kolinda, and we are just 4 1/2 million of people, was about the main
> organizer for the meeting of Visegrád Group, in Poland, a week or so
> ago, where President Trump participated. I was proud. Would have been
> proud if it had been President Hillary instead, equally proud... I
> respect American President as an institution.
> Still, I don't think Trump is so very bad.
> Also I say openly: NATO is better than Russia. And Russia has no
> right to occupy Ukraine, which they continue to do. But... Putin is a
> killer, and a neocommunist... wants to revive the Soviet Empire...

...by putting his puppets in place in governments 'n parliaments, not
just in the Amerikainski Sovetski Soyus, we have Putin's boys 'n gals
elected into parliament and government in Norway too, and probably all
over NATO membership states.

> Trump squarely made Assad the Syrian president understand that gas
> attacks on civilian population won't be tollerated by launching
> precision strikes

..wrong, wrong, unless he made an effort to not harm anything of value
to Assad 'n Putin. All he managed to do was get himself and Ivanka on
record as war criminals.

> on Syrian military facilities. I approved of that
> move, months ago now. I still praise it. Obama never had the guts for
> such an action. Obama failed in that region, and Syria made Russia's
> military prowess come to the fore... (Well there's more to it, but it
> would be too complex to recount.) And now it's even worse with the
> dictator in Turkey making pacts with Russia...
> Back to Europe. We, the non-populous nations, depend on great forces,
> and on bigger players in Europe, i.e. the United States and other
> world superpowers and the leaders of most populous nations of Europe:
> Germany, France, Great Britain and others.
> It was nice to see how the slaughter of Kosovo Albanians by Serbian
> military and paramilitary was stopped by American intervention. That
> was a justified military action, by the American military and allies.
> I think the bombing of Belgrade, however, was an excess, and
> shouldn't have happened...

..not to mention the Norwegian "led" Genocide on the "Krajina Serbs."
Thorvald Stoltenberg (NATO-Jens' father) was negotiating peace, but he
was also the Supreme Commander of UNPROFOR, where he Failed his Command
and Failed to Act under Articles 87 and 86 of the Protocol Additional I
of 1977 to the 4 Geneva Conventions of 1949, by not trying to stop the
Croat mass deportation of ethnic Serbs. He has 2 stories on this, one
in his book "De 1000 dagene" where he denies advance knowledge of Croat
plans, and another in his sworn testemony to the Lundkommisjonen on
Norwegian secret services, where he admits under oath, said advance

..on June 7th 1997 I wrote Premier Thorbjørn Jagland advicing him
he would wanna fix this war crime before the elections, and, IME,
Ed Snowden proved _much_ wiser by First Running, Then Get Published.

> The saddest thing in recent history was the genocide of Bosnian
> Muslims, again by Serbian forces, was allowed to go on effectively
> before the eyes of the world, in Srebrenica in mid July 1995. It was
> a genocide de facto allowed by world powers of the day.
> But when it comes to military vs civilian lives... The generals and
> the nation leaders (of the Dutch in this case, and of the French in
> the other case below, just read) will regularly barter a single
> soldier of their own's life for thousands of civilians... The life of
> any Dutch soldier in Srebrenica, mildly at risk, or of any French
> soldier in Rwanda, mildly at risk, back in 1980s (or whatever the
> year of the Rwandan genocide), was way, way more important for them
> than thousands of Bosnian Muslim prisoners held by the Serbian forces
> and being taken to slaughter, and the powerful men of the day, in the
> United Nations Security Council and in the residencies of the most
> powerful nations' leaders agreed to let the killings of those
> thousands go on unsanctioned... Gruesome killings, that went on for
> days on end, with the world knowing fully about them as they were
> happening... Shame, shame, shame!
> United States of America is important in the world. There is one
> thing that people tend to forgo when United States is the topic.
> The democracy started being a model with the United States becoming a
> country. And it is now the standard in the world.

..only if you vote on paper ballots, and, hand count the ballots.
This is one of the very few too-important-to-do-on-computers things,
is Right Up There with making love and babies and raising them.

> A religious person as I am, I do see U.S.A. kind of as having been
> allowed or even planned and put forward as good example by the
> Almighty.

..insh'Allah! ;o)

> But of course, it's far from black and white.
> Still, even though it is very far from black and white, get your mind
> to take a deep steady gaze at the October revolution in Russia in
> 1918 (IIRC).
> What disaster! And how strong that disaster established itself in
> Russia, and how bloody. And how it spread, through the decades, to
> half a Europe, including my Croatia, which was part of the artificial
> Yugoslavia "nation" in XX century. And how many victims it reaped!
> The National Socialists of Germany are mere apprentices in comparison
> to Stalin, as well as in comparison to Tito (just scale his murders
> by the size of the region pls.)!

..if I had been left alone since 1997 to play with building a waste
to power business around my thermochemical gasification technology,
I would have been able to get stinking rich running the planet on my
gas every Sunday and save 140 million lives... and earn e.g. crazy
pussy from Sarah Silverman. ;o)

> And now go back to the story of how the United States of America
> became, and how it fared. Way, way better that story is than the
> story of Communist Russia.
> Add to that that Putin is a former KGB, a provable killer of
> dissidents in and outside of his country. And the powers in Russia
> are held by such as him to this day!
> A story of light, by origin at least, and not of darkness, the
> American one, even though some darkness mixed in, as surely some
> light came to be in all the darkeness of the Russian example, on the
> fringes of the Communist half Europe mostly, not in the central
> really... Until Gorbachev dismantled it, that is...

..it was Boris Yeltsin who kicked the Soviet Union out of Russia.
Without Russia, it largely fell apart, and had to depend on secret
agents in "Western" governments to recover... Like it or not,
Putin is brilliantly clever.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.