:: Re: [DNG] eudev status
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Autor: fsmithred
Data: 2016-12-23 23:17 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] eudev status
On 12/23/2016 05:42 PM, Rob Owens wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 10:56:58AM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
>> I installed jessie-beta on a disk some time ago, and off hand it boots
>> and runs just fine. However I didn't migrate it to from my current Debian
>> Wheezy because I was waiting for the eudev/vdev/udev issue to be
>> resolved, figuring that migrating up from present udev to one of the
>> others could well be traumatic. I didn't want to do it on a system
>> on which I relied for work.
>> Two questions, if I may:
>> Is eudev being actively worked on, and is it likely to be in
>> the upcoming non-beta Jessie Devuan?
> vdev was/is being developed by a Devuan user specifically with Devuan in
> mind. eudev, as others have already stated, is a Gentoo project. I'm
> not sure the status of vdev.

It has been packaged, and it works. (i.e. It works for me and a few
others. If more people try it, then it will work for more people.)

Here are vdev packages made by Ralph Ronnquist:

Here are vdev packages made by Aitor:

I should add that the two sets of packages are probably not compatible
with each other. Pick one.

Here's a live-CD iso I made with a sparse devuan install with openbox wm
and... vdev. I used Ralph's deb packages for this build, and I only made
an amd64 iso. It's already isohybrid, so you can dd or cat it to a usb stick.
