:: Re: [DNG] eudev status
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Autor: Miroslav Rovis
Data: 2016-12-22 18:38 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] eudev status
On 161222-10:56-0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> I just received an automated message informing me that I have not been
> active on the list for some time. This gives me an excuse to ask a
> question or two.
> I installed jessie-beta on a disk some time ago, and off hand it boots
> and runs just fine. However I didn't migrate it to from my current Debian
> Wheezy because I was waiting for the eudev/vdev/udev issue to be
> resolved, figuring that migrating up from present udev to one of the
> others could well be traumatic. I didn't want to do it on a system
> on which I relied for work.
> Two questions, if I may:
> Is eudev being actively worked on, and is it likely to be in
> the upcoming non-beta Jessie Devuan?

I'm only a supporter, and a slow sopporter (I take time to do things).
But I know that eudev is maintained by Gentoo developers (Anthony
Basile, a true unix oriented wizard), and that it is in my Gentoo
system. It is also ported on a number of other non-systemd Gnu/Linux
distro, so eudev should not be a problem in Devuan.

> I hear complaints that there insufficient work being put into the Devuan
> project. Is there a crisis because of lack of volunteers? Is it likely
> that a non-beta Devuan Jessie will make the light of day in first half
> of 2017?

This very ML is only getting a fraction of all the echos the work that
is being done in Devuan, but I still don't follow all that is going on.

However, it seems to me that Devuan is now slowly beginning to firmly
stand on its feet and Devuan is proudly out of the (what's the word,
non-native speaker here) [[hardships that a nascent person goes through
at birth]]...

Have a look at Jaromil's, the main lead, presentation:
Devuan GNU+Linux presented at FSCONS 2016

Read more about it also here:

And, one of the places is also:

As still mainly Gentoo users, I can tell you that Devuan is sometimes,
not rarely at all, mentioned in Gentoo ML, with respect, and developers
here regard Devuan as a good project with future...

However, no all is done, and you will see issues occasionally. Others
may add more to my understanding, for you.

> Haines Brown
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Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia