:: Re: [DNG] Oh, how I hate systemd
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Skribent: fsmithred
Dato: 2016-08-04 11:01 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Oh, how I hate systemd
On 08/03/2016 11:37 PM, BRM wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 2:35 PM, Rainer Weikusat <rweikusat@???> wrote:
> > Rowland Penny <rpenny241155@???> (by way of Rowland Penny <rpenny241155@???>) writes: > > So, a user was complaining over on the Samba mailing list, that the > > Samba wiki page about creating a new AD DC wasn't much use with fedora. > > I set up fedora 24 and tried to give it a fixed ip (part of which was> > removing networkmanager), set everything up and rebooted, I then found > > I couldn't connect to the network, checks found that /etc/resolv.conf > > had disappeared. > > When I tried to create a new one, I couldn't, it wouldn't let me!! > > A quick trawl of the internet led to an interesting fact, systemd now > > mounts /etc read-only and if /etc/resolv.conf doesn't exist, systemd > > creates a dangling symlink.
> > > You couldn't make this up, why O why make /etc read only ????? > My guess would be: Because people aren't supposed to change the 'legacy > configuration' directly but use the proper systemd commands instead. One > could also assume that this is to protect systemd from changes it > couldn't parse.
> Well, as a software developer that produces software with config files under /etc that is just outright wrong.I went to Linux b/c I have control. If I wanted to give up control, I'd use Windows.
> Ben

You could put your config files in /boot/efi, which is mounted rw.
