:: Re: [DNG] Linux-Speakup-friendly em…
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Author: KatolaZ
Date: 2016-07-29 05:52 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] Linux-Speakup-friendly emails: was question about, mailing lists
On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 02:29:22PM -1000, Joel Roth wrote:


> As of Aug. 14, 2015:
> ...Speakup is now part of the Linux kernel's staging tree,
> so you will find the source for its kernel modules in the
> source tarballs and git repositories of the kernel itself.
> http://linux-speakup.org/download.html

Indeed the Linux-speakup project is more a community of users with
specific accessibility needs (mostly related with visual impairments)
who has contributed code and patches to support speech synthetisers,
braille terminals, and the like in Linux. I believe most of their
patches have been included in the standard kernel tree.



[ ~.,_  Enzo Nicosia aka KatolaZ - GLUGCT -- Freaknet Medialab  ]  
[     "+.  katolaz [at] freaknet.org --- katolaz [at] yahoo.it  ]
[       @)   http://kalos.mine.nu ---  Devuan GNU + Linux User  ]
[     @@)  http://maths.qmul.ac.uk/~vnicosia --  GPG: 0B5F062F  ] 
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