:: Re: [DNG] F1 and special usernames …
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Author: Didier Kryn
Date: 2016-07-22 05:52 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] F1 and special usernames on the login screen
Le 22/07/2016 07:24, Rick Moen a écrit :
> Quoting Didier Kryn (kryn@???):
>> >With a French keyboard, I can write in en-UK or en-US, and it is
>> >also much more convenient when writing in fr-FR.
> Vraiment? C'est intéressant. ('Truly? This is interesting.')
> I must confess ignorance. FWIW, usually in my experience, the main
> disadvantage of US keyboards is lack of a Euro-symbol key, but there are
> easy workarounds.
> Jeg kan også skrive inn mitt tredje språk. (I can also write my third
> language.)

     Same problem as you: accents aren't available on En keyboards (or 
by tricks I ignore). I use to pick them from various documents with the 
mouse - or use a Fr keyboard.

     Keyboards' layouts have been originally dictated by typewtiters' 
mechanics: to prevent the collisions of the hammers, letters which can 
appear close together in words are distant on the keyboard.

     In En/US keyboards, digits, / and # are lower case, which is 
objectively more convenient to write programs.
