:: Re: [DNG] avahi & dbus ? Was: Re: …
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Author: Joel Roth
Date: 2016-06-16 05:50 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] avahi & dbus ? Was: Re: cosmetic installer issues
emninger@??? wrote:
> Am Thu, 16 Jun 2016 06:28:16 +0000
> schrieb Adam Borowski <kilobyte@???>:
> > avahi -> die die die
> In the slackware world i learned, that avahi was not needed and could
> be removed (respectively not installed at all) without any problem. And
> indeed it was so for me, i did not notice any loss in confort ... (in
> some way compareable to pulseaudio as an overlay over alsa).
> Someone here (Jaromil?) mentioned that also dbus could be removed. So
> my question: Is that correct? (In manjaro-openrc i saw, they make a
> lot of use of dbus though, eg. using it as a launcher for pcmanfm -d)


An easy way to get an idea of what will happen is:

apt-get -s remove dbus

For example, on my system these packages would be removed:

| bluetooth bluez colord consolekit dbus dbus-x11 exo-utils
| gconf2 gcr gksu hplip inkscape libatk-bridge2.0-dev
| libatspi2.0-dev libclutter-1.0-dev libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev
| libexo-1-0 libgksu2-0 libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomevfs2-common
| libgtk-3-dev libxfce4ui-1-0 libxfconf-0-2 liferea
| policykit-1 printer-driver-postscript-hp spacefm udisks
| upower wicd wicd-curses wicd-daemon wicd-gtk xfconf xfwm4
| xfwm4-themes

I use liferea and especially inkscape, so will probably wait
till someone sanitizes these packages for me. I'm sure it
will happen B^)

> Thanks for your patience.

Joel Roth