:: Re: [unSYSTEM] Faircoin 2 whitepape…
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Auteur: Jaromil
Aan: System undo crew
Onderwerp: Re: [unSYSTEM] Faircoin 2 whitepaper, check it out

hi all,

On Mon, 13 Jun 2016, Enric Duran Giralt wrote:

> Has been long time since we have not been updating in this mailing list
> about the /faircoop/faircoin developments;
> has not been easy to develop our vision with very few resources, but
> today I am happy to share important news
> and would invite people of this list to check the new code and help
> testing and commiting it, in order to confirm the
> security and resilence of this new system:
> *Faircoin 2 new white paper version, with all the details related to the
> current implementation !!*
> Read it here https://fair-coin.org/faircoin2.html
> Comment it here:
> https://fair.coop/groups/faircoop-community/faircoin/faircoin2/
> Code development here: https://github.com/FairCoinTeam/faircoin2
> Crowdinvestment for support development here:
> https://coopfunding.net/en/campaigns/faircoin-2-crowdinvestment/

thanks for the update Enric

let me add that at dyne.org we are very interested in this
development. we have researched complementary currencies for the past
years and not just from a technical perspective. FairCoin comes out as
an initiative with high socio-political impact and with a real
grass-root community behind which is already able to share resources
and collectivise wealth.

technicalities asides, socio-political aspects of the deployement and
redistribution of currency are very important: strong crypto alone
won't solve political problems. Proof of Cooperation goes in the right
direction. We are looking forward to support faircoin2 with our
freecoin social wallet.


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil    http://Dyne.org think &do tank
    "+.   CTO and co-founder      free/open source developers
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