:: Re: [DNG] dealing with wifi
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Author: emninger
Date: 2016-05-14 19:27 -000
To: dng
Subject: Re: [DNG] dealing with wifi
Am Sat, 14 May 2016 17:07:06 +0000
schrieb Didier Kryn <kryn@???>:

>      You have mostly two ways to deal with wifi.

>      1) you select the station and enter the key everytime you
> connect. 2) your system remembers the ssid's and keys of all stations
> you need and it connects you automatically - this is called
> wifi-roaming.

>      I think wicd matches the first case only.

>      AFAIU, ceni allows you to either work according to the first
> method or make the basic configuration of wpa_supplicant for the
> second method, something you can also do with a text editor. There
> are many howtos on the web, search for the following 3 keywords
> "wifi" "roaming" "wpa_supplicant".

>      wpa_supplicant may or may not invoke the dhcp client, depending
> on what it reads in /etc/network/interfaces.

>      Hope this helps.

>                                      Didier

First of all merci!

If it is about roaming (i.e. memorizing the ssids whereto the computer
was connected, if i'm getting you right), then, wicd does that job.

If you configure wpa_supplicant with ceni (which also does the job for
wired connections, btw) then, the wifi connection on the next boot is
started *BEFORE* the login screen.

I'll check a bit and see, how in the end i'll configure the
connections. Principally, to avoid wicd from starting automatically
i'll have to pull out the wicd script out of /etc/init.d/ , correct?
BUT: should there be a service "wpa_supplicant" in /etc/init.d/ ?