Author: eden Date: 2016-05-11 18:07 -000 To: System undo crew Subject: Re: [unSYSTEM] ADMIN: I just changed new subscribers to be
On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 6:09 PM, Aimee Maree <aimee@???> wrote: > Eden,
Hello Aimee, et al,
> I have tended to keep the flock small.......... I am unsure what you mean by opening the gates.... I will keep watch though... I am also not sure I agree with your tactics, but we will see and if those I respect disagree I will do what is needed to change it ;)....
I tend to keep my messages short, so i apologize if i was unclear.
To join this list, you only have to show an email address. You say
"I have tended to keep the flock small...", but what is your filter
based on? Should i not allow anyone with a gmail address? an .ru
address? I know of no criterion to filter on. So... i allow anyone to
join, no matter what their email address.
I don't know what you mean by "I am unsure what you mean by opening
the gates...." I am not doing anything but moderating the group. When
spam comes to the group i get rid of it. When there was an attack on
the group about a year ago, i came up with rules to stop automated
spammer registration and flooding. I'm just doing what i think is good
for the group.
If the group wants to implement some criteria for joining
(recommended by 2 already existing members; a working personal website
which shows a link to their subscription address; dna samples; pledge
of allegiance to unSYSTEM; ... :) then we need to discuss how that
will be done.
In the meantime, i am disappointed with your statements: "...I will
keep watch... I will do what is needed..." You are already an admin!
I do my share voluntarily, and without any need for recognition, as i
would like the group to function smoothly.
If you want to discuss the merits of my change, then please do so.
I am very surprised by your comments about my "tactics" since i
believe we have more in common (open source; attempting to teach more
girls to code; etc.) than most on the list. But, by all means, "do
what is needed".