Author: メット Date: 2016-04-20 20:36 -000 To: dng Subject: Re: [DNG] Fw: Beginning of the End for Wheezy [sigh!]
On 2016年4月21日 7:07:45 JST, Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote: >On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 19:46:26 +0000
>hellekin <hellekin@???> wrote:
>> This thread contains a lot of praise for Devuan. I want to ask you
>> whether it's fine to use it on for promotion. You're
>> welcome to reply here. I'll contact everyone individually to ask
>> anyway.
>> Cheers
>> ==
>> hk
>I'd be pleased as punch if you did, and you hereby have my permission
>to use anything I wrote in the thread for any kind of Devuan promotion
>you want.