Autor: メット Data: Dla: dng CC: Patrick Bartek Temat: Re: [DNG] Fw: Beginning of the End for Wheezy [sigh!]
On 2016年4月17日 10:00:44 JST, Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote: >Hi all, [snipped]
I figure maybe if he heard a few of your use cases, he >might feel more confident about his future in Linux. Please copy
>Patrick in your replies.
>Much to my regret (and others, too, I'm sure), yesterday, on 15 April
>2016, the beginning of the end began for Wheezy. Google, as announced
>[snipped by Steve Litt]
>Well, at least I have time to look for an alternative. Maybe, Devuan
>will be viable by then, but I doubt it. Or Debian will offer a choice
>of inits as a standard option during installs on future releases, but I
>very much doubt it.
>_____________________________________ Hi,
Using devuan on prod server here as well
(proliant xeon, apache 2.4, mariadb, postfix dovecot, gdns, fail2ban, vsftpd, asterisk)
I event went hc and tried the non-dbus stuff on laptop
Working as a charm and im not a programmer...
Just had to change from ibus-anthy to emacs for japanese ime(laptop).
Dev1 saved my freedom, i hope i can contribute one day.