Autor: hal Data: 2016-04-17 08:35 -000 Dla: dng CC: Patrick Bartek Temat: Re: [DNG] Fw: Beginning of the End for Wheezy [sigh!]
Steve Litt wrote on 04/16/2016 08:00 PM: > Hi all,
> I know many of you are using Devuan in production and as your Daily
> Driver. Patrick from debian-user expressed some trepidation about
> moving to Devuan in his impending escape from a systemd-encumbered
> Debian, and I figure maybe if he heard a few of your use cases, he
> might feel more confident about his future in Linux. Please copy
> Patrick in your replies.
I have been running Devuan jessie on my desktop since the first Alpha
was available. I also run it as my production desktop at my workplace
where I manage Linux servers and write software. This means I have a
wide variety of software installed on my desktop to do everything from
filling out "TPS reports" (LibreOffice), to Email/Web/Caldav (Firefox,
Thunderbird, Lightning), to various IDE environments (Android Studio,
Devuan works, and works surprisingly well. I've had more downtime on
the Ubuntu 14.04 servers running simple LAMP stacks in the last year
than I've had on my Devuan desktop loaded with all the heavy application
Another good reason to give it a try is the community around this mailing
list. It's one of the best behaved I've ever seen and seems to consist of
a wide collective of experience.