:: Re: [DNG] Definitely OT!! Re: Bad U…
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Autor: Rainer Weikusat
Data: 2016-02-06 21:40 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] Definitely OT!! Re: Bad UEFI: was Systemd at work: rm -rf EFI
Rainer Weikusat <rainerweikusat@???> writes:
> [...]
>> And BTW: How many packages have you (meaning all on this list)
>> volunteered to maintain??
> As far as I can tell, the "official standpoint" of 'Devuan' in this
> respect is 'no help wanted'. At least, no question for that I saw on
> this list, including my own, has ever received an answer.
> So, whom are you assaulting for what?

And while we're at that, can you please produce some reference which
backs up your claim that technical discussions about features of
Linux-based systems must not happen on this list?

The ones I found were

| If you want to participate in community debates, join the online web
| forum or the old-school DNG discussion mailinglist also available via
| Gmane.


| On the 18 October 2014 the Veteran Unix Admins have released a
| communication: Shall we fork Debian?
| DNG is the name of the first mailinglist after the debianfork
| declaration.



| open discussion space
| [...]
| dng - Debian is not GNOME first discussion list


These are all rather generic. Also,

| Our mailing lists are interactive and all subscribers can write. We
| debate new software releases, events, projects, roadmaps in a friendly
| environment with good humour and cyberfreaks hanging around.
