:: Re: [DNG] Startup delays (Was: The …
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Skribent: Ozi Traveller
Dato: 2016-01-18 19:37 -000
Til: Simon Hobson
CC: dng@lists.dyne.org
Emne: Re: [DNG] Startup delays (Was: The perversion continues)
I have created iso using live-build for Debian wheezy and jessie as well as
Devuan Jessie. Apart from systemd and slight version differences they are
the same. Debian Jessie boot the slowest.

On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 7:17 AM, Simon Hobson <linux@???>

> Ozi Traveller <ozitraveller@???> wrote:
> > I also have a couple of non-systemd box connected to the same modem, and
> they boot to a desktop without the wait.
> It's probably not systemd vs non-systemd. While it does cause me a bit of
> a choke to defend systemd, it's probably not specifically systemd that's
> causing the delay, but some arbitrary difference that results in
> ${something} trying to make a connection and timing out.
> Not saying it isn't system, just that it could well be something else.
> Mind you, parallelising everything at startup should mask such delays - so
> it's not a very good advert is it ;-)
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