Skribent: Simon Hobson Dato: 2016-01-18 19:17 -000 Til: Emne: Re: [DNG] Startup delays (Was: The perversion continues)
Ozi Traveller <ozitraveller@???> wrote:
> I also have a couple of non-systemd box connected to the same modem, and they boot to a desktop without the wait.
It's probably not systemd vs non-systemd. While it does cause me a bit of a choke to defend systemd, it's probably not specifically systemd that's causing the delay, but some arbitrary difference that results in ${something} trying to make a connection and timing out.
Not saying it isn't system, just that it could well be something else.
Mind you, parallelising everything at startup should mask such delays - so it's not a very good advert is it ;-)