:: Re: [DNG] FW: support for merged /u…
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Συντάκτης: Rob Owens
Ημερομηνία: 2016-01-05 14:59 -000
Προς: dng
Αντικείμενο: Re: [DNG] FW: support for merged /usr in Debian
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Roger Leigh" <rleigh@???>

> Regarding the comments people made about having separate / and /usr
> filesystems. While it was common historically, there is little or no
> practical benefit to doing so in 2016. Storage sizes make it
> unnecessary for pretty much all practical scenarios. The two are
> managed by dpkg as a coherent whole; they are logically inseparable.
> They serve the same purpose. Do reconsider whether it's actually
> necessary for you to do this, or whether it's merely habit. Some
> historical practices continue to have value; others, including this one,
> do not.

This is not true for zLinux (Linux on an IBM mainframe). Disk space on
a mainframe is quite expensive compared to what we are used to on Intel
hardware. I have customers who use a shared /usr among several zLinux
systems, and the reason is cost savings.

I don't blame anybody on this list for not knowing about this, but I
find it amazing that Red Hat doesn't know better. They are a major
supplier of Linux for mainframes. (FYI, that's the s390 and s390x
architecture that you see available from a handful of distros).
